Join Us!

Pack 12 isn't currently accepting applications. 

If you'd like to join, please read through this FAQ and then RSVP to our Spring New Member Event:

When: April 27, 2025 4pm-5pm

Where: TBD, Likely in the Presidio of SF

What is Cub Scouts?

The mission of Scouting America, the program administering cub scouts, is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Cub scouts are scouts that are in K-5.

The Aims of Scouting are:

Character, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, and Leadership

Pack 12 is organized by an all-volunteer group of parents, as well as volunteers from Pine United Methodist Church / the SF Council of Japanese Christian Churches, the chartered organization for the pack.

Who can join?

Pack 12 welcomes all children from Kindergarten to 5th grade regardless of race, gender, ability, ethnic status, economic ability, religion, or citizenship status.

For some grades/dens, Pack 12 is currently not accepting new members without a parental commitment to join the leadership of the pack. To join those dens, please be prepared to take a den leader, assistant den leader, treasurer, or chairperson open role in pack leadership.

Pack leadership volunteers must be over 21 years old, willing to submit to fingerprinting, receive a background check, and take youth protection training every two years.

What are the dues, fees, and program costs?

Pack dues depend on the number of scouts and the planned activities of the pack. Generally it's around $100-$150 per year per scout. In addition, national and council fees apply.

Pack dues cover monthly pack-wide meetings, tours, yearly camp out, some snacks, and a class B T-shirt.

Other costs of scouting include:

Where do I get a uniform and/or handbook?

Pack 12 maintains a uniform bank for hand-me-downs. In addition, the Scout Shop is the official retailer of Scouting America. You can also visit a local scout shop in the bay area, although the closest shop may be 20-40 minutes away.

How busy is the calendar? How often do you meet?

Our scouting year is most busy in October, but we have monthly meetings starting in August and ending in May. We typically meet as a pack (all grades), one Sunday per month, from 3-4:30pm. Dens occasionally have a second meeting during a month.

What do I, the parent, do at meetings?

You may be asked to:

Pack 12 encourages all parents to stay and be engaged with their scout and the group, but parents of Lions (Kindergarten) and Tigers (1st grade) are required by Scouting America to stay with their scout at every Scouting activity.

How does the pack communicate?

Pack 12 uses a combination of email (monthly/larger updates), Google docs/sheets/forms (sign ups, calendars, interest questions), and Whatsapp (off the cuff/quick messages and weekly reminders).

When can we join?

Pack 12 accepts applications through the summer and into the first few weeks of school. During the school year, we close enrollment to focus on our program of activities and offerings. If you would like to join, please use the join button and we will reach out with more information as soon as we can.

If your child is entering kindergarten, please ask around in your friend group to see if anyone else would like to join with you. We try our best to form a den for each year, but we require at least one parent leader and a minimum of 3-4 scouts to start a new den.  

Can I attend a meeting or visit with other scouts? How do I join?

Please fill out our Spring Recruitment Event RSVP form. If you cannot attend, we may have another online-only event closer to the start of the scouting year.

Ready to run with our pack?